How the Frail Elderly Benefit from In-home Elder Care
According to the dictionary, frail elderly describes people that are over 75 years old that have physical or mental impairments that limit their daily functions. Frail elderly adults struggle with meeting their physical, emotional, nutritional and medical needs on their own.
Elder Care in Palm Beach FL: Benefit of Home Care
Because of their condition, they are not able to live independently. They are also at a high risk of developing more health issues as they age.
Family caregivers that have the responsibility of looking after a frail elderly relative may want to consider an elderly care agency for constant professional care. Both family caregivers and their frail elderly relatives will benefit from in-home elder care.
When elderly adults get to the point where they cannot perform daily basic tasks, it falls on their family members to step in and help. Seniors in this age and ability group generally cannot bathe or dress themselves, nor can they drive or prepare meals. They may even struggle with remembering to take their medication on time and in the proper amounts. Some may need help with the toilet and hygiene. It’s definitely a challenge to provide part- or full-time care to a frail elderly adult.
Many family members simply don’t have the ability or the time to provide that level of care, even if they wanted to. They often battle with feelings of guilt, especially if they must leave their loved one alone for some time. With an elder care assistant, family caregivers feel relief that their aging relative is in good hands and that someone is around to provide care.
-Here are a few more reasons why frail elderly adults benefit from in-home care from an elder care professional:
-Studies show that elderly adults heal faster when they are at home.
-Senior care aides can provide personalized care as they get to know their client.
-Living at home is much less traumatic and disorienting than living in a care facility.
-The elderly person’s care plan can be carried out precisely.
-Senior care aides are trained for all kinds of tasks, from bathing to emergencies.
-Assistants know how to handle unpredictable behavior.
-With in-home care, seniors are more safe and healthy than if left alone for hours at a time.
-Elder care services are more affordable than long-term care facilities.
Of course, family caregivers should consult with the elderly person’s doctor as to whether in-home care is sufficient or not.
Often, a trained elder care aide can be the best solution for a frail elderly adult that isn’t quite ready for a care facility. The aides can do much of what the senior needs for their personal care, plus a number of domestic duties.
Family caregivers need to find a local elder care agency that has a good reputation for integrity, quality and reliability. While there are certain to b adjustment issues, in-home elder care is often the best solution and seniors really benefit from the arrangement.
If you or an aging loved one is considering hiring Elder Care in Palm Beach, FL, please call the caring staff at Alongside Home Health. Providing senior care in Palm Beach County and surrounding cities. Call for Assistance: (800) 712-4266
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